On Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 5 child researchers visited the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada to conduct a data analysis session. The session was led by co-researcher of Our (photo) Voice: Children and Young People’s Joint Action Research on Student Wellbeing for All project, Mlathi Anggayuh Jati and assisted by another co-researcher and three research interns. Dr. Elga Andriana was also there to attend the data analysis session.
The 5 child researchers were given a colorful worksheet, the worksheets were different from one another. Each worksheet consisted of several narrations of their previous photovoices, and they were asked to give comments on what the narration is saying, and their feelings towards the narration. Overall, the researchers were able to finish all of the worksheets, for students with difficulty in reading, the narrations were read by the research assistants. After the worksheet, the researchers were given quizzes, the co-researcher were saying one word and the child researchers were asked to answer with anything that they think associated with the word given.
After the data analysis session, we did a campus tour around Gadjah Mada University and had lunch together at the university’s Wisdom Park. Overall, the sessions were a lot of fun and the child researcher said that they were very happy.