Center for Life-Span Development

Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD) is one of the research centers at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) aimed to facilitate research, community services, and publication activities within the field of human development across the life-span. CLSD was developed as an extension from the former Early Childhood Development Laboratory (Lab. PAUD 2013 – 2018), which activities were focused on early childhood development and education.

Activities and Programs


We conduct research related to the aspects of human development from infancy to late adulthood, including the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects.

Community Services

We conduct workshops, training, seminars, and courses with various themes related to human development. We work with diverse collaborators
including academicians, researchers, practitioners, and government officials.

Internship Program

We provide internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students in our Faculty. Interns are involved in the Center’s activities including research and publications as well as community services.

CLSD Reader’s Club

This is a program where we study and discuss the state of the arts in life-span development research. In three-weekly meetings, chosen latest articles from national and international journals are discussed. Research interns, students, and anyone interested is welcome to join.

CLSD for General Audience

We publish popular articles and videos about life-span development for a general audience through our website and social media. We invite students and academia in the Faculty to contribute and share their ideas about life-span development through our platforms

Want to start a new project with us? Let’s start!



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